Democracy or Kingdom (2 of 4)

Mike Connell

So our leaders are supposed to represent us, but in the kingdom of God we're called to represent the king, so your mandate is to go into the earth and represent the king, not represent yourself and your own thing. Represent the king; to stand and promote His values, His culture, His lifestyle and His ways, His principles of success in life, firstly by living them and modelling them, and secondly by interacting powerfully with people and starting to engage them in a way that their lives are changed and you're truly salt and light. But religion will seek you to isolate and withdraw in case they infect us - but the Bible's quite different. [It says 00.47.10] greater is He in you than he that's in the world. Go out and infect them with it, it's good! See the thinking is so different - and finally accountability. Accountability goes like this: in democracy they have systems of checks and balances, so you've kind of got laws and check ups and whatever. Leaders give account to the people and you have elections.

So a leader's got to give an account to the people - but you know what? In the kingdom of heaven it's not like that at all. It's absolutely completely different. See the king's rule is absolute and the people give account to the king. [Aye aye? 00.47.43] Now listen. Every three years the government gives account to the people and you vote them in or vote them out, but in the kingdom it's exactly the opposite. We give account to the king. It works exactly the opposite, so the Bible says in Romans 14 all of us should give account of our stewardship how we've been as citizens of His kingdom to the king, that we might qualify for eternal reward. [A challenge, 00.48.08] what a difference. What a difference see, now if you don't like the government vote them out - but you can't vote God out and one day you have to stand before Him and give account what of? Of your stewardship, see? And so in the earth we have elections, ballot box, but in heaven there's a throne room and a place to go where God says it all about how things really are.

You know something? It's not hard to seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, because we have a king that loved us and served us, and demonstrated He's such a good king who wouldn't want to serve Him? Who wouldn't want to put Him first? Remember, all other governments will fail, but the kingdom of God lasts for eternity.

[File ends 00.48.50]