Democracy or Kingdom (2 of 4)

Mike Connell

And Jesus said no, he said it is written that you worship the Lord and serve Him alone. So Jesus was tempted. He was tempted. This is what the temptation was. Listen, forget the cross, forget all the [hard route, 00.17.27] just bow down to me and I'll give You the lot. I know that's why you've come here. He tried to short-circuit Jesus' ministry and say take the easy road. Take the easy road; look, if You just bow down to me I'll hand it all over to You - which of course He would never have done. He would have actually then sabotaged God's plan to bring the kingdom back and wrestle it out of the hands of the devil. Okay, we getting the idea? Starting to get some concepts here now see, so what happened when Adam and Eve refused the government of God. They refused and they wanted to establish their own, so the result of that was three things - I mean lots of things, but [let me three 00.18.00] things. Number one, demonic powers began to rule over and create chaos in the earth, that's the first thing.

And the Bible says, Ephesians 2:2, the devil now works - the world follows the same course under the power of the prince of the power the air, that spirit that works in children of disobedience; or it's essentially saying this: The chaos in the world is caused by a spiritual power and people responding to it. Okay, second thing that Adam [lost 00.18.27], so the first thing that consequence was chaos. The second thing is he lost his government. He lost his government. The second thing was actually he lost his relationship, and so what he did was then he substituted religion for relationship. I'll look at that a little later - so religion is men trying to find a way back to God, and that's all the places in the world you go you find religion. The third thing that he lost was government so he had to invent his own. See, so [what did he lose? 00.18.52]

So first of all he lost his authority, and the devil got it and created chaos; he lost his relationship, so therefore now he has to substitute something for it which is religion; and he lost his governance, so he's also got to substitute something for it, got to create some form of government. And so all the governments that you ever see in the world are a substitute for the true government of God, the kingdom of heaven, and the ultimate thing, all governments will fail and the kingdom of heaven will be established in the earth. It's the full message of the Bible. Okay then, so what kinds of governments do we see? You could probably think of a few governments, and we can think of some. In the Middle Ages of course, you go right through the - and you find generally they form under these kinds of things. They form under a dictatorship. Dictatorship is where one person considers himself superior to everyone else, and they rule - they literally rule over everyone. Everyone bows down to them and usually whatever they want happens.

So you can think of all the dictators that rose up under different regimes, but all of them had one thing in common. All they wanted to do was just increase their power, their rule and use people to get where they wanted to get. So you find that. So then of course you have a thing like monarchies. You find - we've got a monarchy but it's actually a powerless monarchy. It's only a figurehead monarchy, and so long ago in the Middle Ages the power of the monarchy was removed because the monarchy failed, and instead of blessing the people it oppressed the people, so they stripped the monarchy of its power. See, Cromwell and all of those people, see? And then you have a look in this Century, there's been the rise of communism. Communism also seeks to take the power away from a ruling elite, so it took the power away from the Tsars and put it in the hands of the people so that the people could govern themselves.

Of course what happened was in the end if you look at communism, you just change one tyrant for another. You just get a whole ruling class of other people who say we're equal but they're not. Then you find there are things like socialism. Socialism also attempts to put power back into the hands of the people, and so you have various forms of elected government, but the government then takes care of the people. Now to take care of the people you've got to give up your rights, and our government is moving from being democratic to being socialist, and so there you get that term 'nanny state' where the government is taking over the running of everyone and so we've got to keep you safe. We've got to make sure you don't hurt yourselves. We've got to do this for you, got to do the thinking for you, we'll look after your children for you. And actually the philosophy is a socialist philosophy and the government is [unclear 00.21.26].