How to Exercise Spiritual Authority (3 of 6)

How to Exercise Spiritual Authority (3 of 6)

Wed 13 Feb 2013

Further activations to stir and awaken you inner man quickly, give voice to faith decrees, and release a spirit flow. Understand the real meaning of 'authority', 'power', 'legal rights', and what Jesus accomplished at the cross to disarm spiritual powers. Know what we have delegated power to do, and foundations which have to be built in our life to ensure success. Finally, how to forbid troubling spirits and release blessing. Plenty of practical examples in workplace, marriage, family life etc.
Audio Transcript
Come on, let's come on out, we're going to begin to start off with an activation. That's right, we want to start with an activation. Alright, I wonder how many noticed what happened, what change took place, when I just got you up to go around and hug people. [Yeah!] Did you notice actually the whole atmosphere shifts, because people - the walls that disconnect us, just break down as you start to connect like that? You find that the things of the spirit are very, very simple. There's nothing really complex about it, and we find that often there's things that we have to do just naturally and practically, things which you can do which involve your soul, and things which involve of course your rising in your spirit.

So we want to get our spirit to arise today, so why don't we make our body move, and let's begin to pray strongly in the spirit, strongly in the language God has given us. [Prays in tongues] Okay, let's do one more: Bless the Lord, O my soul and all that is within me, bless His holy name! Bless the Lord, O my soul, And forget not all His benefits. Okay, now this time we do it, ready, from the beginning, on the count of three. Now as you're doing it, don't just repeat something and speak something. One of the things that you'll find, if we're engaging in a conversation but in my mind I disconnect, the person that I'm relating with will feel the disconnection. Have you ever been talking with someone, and suddenly you just felt something change, their eyes have got that glazed look, their mind has gone somewhere else? What happens in the flow of your spirit is there's a disconnected, and you actually feel it.

I remember talking to my daughter and it was going fine, then I thought hello, we're disconnected. I turned around and she'd zipped off in some shop and she'd gone. [Laughter] I was actually just talking to myself, but I could feel the difference, and you feel the difference if you're talking to someone and their mind goes somewhere else, they disconnect. So one of the things when you're praying in tongues is to engage your mind as well and engage your soul. So when we're speaking - now we're going to just speak. I want you to be speaking arising in your spirit, see yourself rising up, and you're speaking to your soul, and you're telling your soul to come into line and bless the Lord, O my soul; And all that is within me, bless His holy name! Let your body and soul respond see to the voice of your spirit. Your spirit always wants to praise God - let's do it. Okay then, ready? One, two, three: Bless the Lord, O my soul; And all that is within me, bless His holy name! Bless the Lord, O my soul, And forget not all His benefits: Who forgives all your iniquities and heals all your diseases, halleluiah! Oh halleluiah. Come on, let's give Him a clap right now. [Applause]. [Prays in tongues] Thank You Lord.

Okay, while we're on it, we'll give you one more exercise to do, because your spirit will respond to you giving voice to the word of God, see so I want you to just declare: I am strong in the Lord and the power of His might. See, now that's a declaration from the word of God but it's personalised, so we take scripture and make it personal: I am strong in the Lord and the power of His might. Now of course what happens is, you may not feel that way. Actually today you might be feeling incredibly frail, and you've got all kinds of issues going on, so you think I can't say that because that's not true. But actually if you were to arise by faith and say in the spirit, this is where I stand, that I am strong in the Lord and the power of His might, and I will declare what I believe in my heart; then you'll find everything around you and in you will start to shift to align with what your spirit is saying, when you declare the word of God.

So I want you to do it. We're going to just - I am strong in the Lord and the power of His might. We'll say it three or four times and I want you to see what happens when you make it a declaration, you're declaring it to your spirit, to your soul, your body and you're declaring it into the atmosphere around you. I want you to see what happens when you speak, and give voice to the word of God like that. Ready? I'm strong in the Lord and the power of His might. Ready? One, two, three. I am strong in the Lord, and the power of His might. I am strong in the Lord, and the power of His might. I am strong in the Lord, and the power of His might. I am strong in the Lord, and the power of His might. Okay, that'll do. Right, okay, now the more you do it, the more your inner man begins to agree with the truth. Initially there's a wrestling, because a lot of you doesn't really agree with that, but as you learn to speak the word of God, and you make it a strong declaration from inside, you'll find your spirit will arise very quickly, and everything in you starts to shift, because you're declaring what God says is true about you.

Keywords: wholehearted, authority, power, disarm spiritual powers, legal rights, forbid, release, free will, decrees, conscience, civil authority, powerlessness, demonised atmosphere, problems in the workplace, tormented, generation curse