Let the Kings Arise (2 of 4)

Mike Connell

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See, so kings are forever thinking how they can enlarge their territory. Jesus is a visionary, wants you to get vision of how your life can have an impact. Get alone with God one day and write down how many years you think you might have left and say what could I accomplish with the kingdom of God in that time? Don't sit around saying I wonder what the church can do for me, or maybe isn't doing for me, end up in a small world and complaining negative world. Start to think like a king. I'm a king! I need to hear what God could do through me and the life I've got yet to live on the earth!

Come on, you've got to get that in your spirit. Go to the other side, new territory, new opportunities. It could be in your personal life the territory, could be a financial area, could be a business area, could be a family area. I mean every one of us has got some territory to advance the kingdom in. You may just be stuck in some form of bondage. Well that's an area, write it down, that's the other side for me. I've got to break out of that thing and get free of it. Maybe something that's got around you, a habit that's got your life; you say the other side, I'm crossing to the other side. I'm not staying here. I've got to break out and see the kingdom of God break through in my life. The other side, so let's cross over means you have to travel through. You've got to move forward. You actually have to move, have to progress.

There's a good word that you can use for it - it's called migrate. A person migrates, they go from one place to another. Our life with God is from faith to faith, it's a journey of migration. It's not of staying where we are. Anyone who stays where they are has stopped. Anyone who stays where they are has stopped. They're dead in the water. A yacht dead in the water don't go anywhere. It's just at the mercy of whatever. It's becalmed. It's a horrible state when you're like that. No, no, we need to be moving forward, making conscious decisions especially with the exit of this year as we come into next year, we are moving to take new territory personally, in our family, in our business, in our finances, in our ministry effect on other people. We're going to enlarge. We're going to break out, we're going to take new territory. See, so you must be willing to make the change.

Now of course as a church we've been through a lot of changes in this last year and they're quite challenging I suppose in many ways. You do feel the stress because we all tend to like to be comfortable, but actually I'm looking and thinking well now I've got people up there in America with the Dream Centre; I've got people up in Auckland now with hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of kids. I have Dave and Kate working with millions up in Pakistan. We'll be having people - we've got people up there in Northern Territories there, working with Aborigines. We've got lots of things are happening. We've got Sue up in Uganda and all kinds of things are happening there.

So we see our territory is enlarging. Now you see unless you identify with that you miss what God is doing, can't see the big picture. Big picture's very, very big, but of course if we're in our little world we can't see a big picture at all. Now God wants us to expand our thinking, expand our believing in every kind of area, expand the thinking. Amen!

So here's the thing: kings dream of enlarging their territory. What assignment has God given you? What is your territory and how can you enlarge it? What has God called you to influence? How can you increase your influence? You may be in a rest home or you may be in some place, well who can you grab from the jaws of hell before they slip out and burn up forever? ... [Applause] ... There's always some territory to take, always in the kingdom of God. Amen! So kings know there is somewhere.