Kings Dream (1 of 4)

Mike Connell

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So it's about our thinking, where your mind goes, what's occupying your attention. If it's filled up with games, if it's filled up with internet, if it's filled up with television, filled up with all these things, it is stealing your life and your potential.

We have to understand you've only got one life to live. A bucket list - it caught on so much it kind of captured people, because what it did was - and I love the film. It's one of the best films I've ever seen. It was a great film and they had such a touching ending - I cried. I cried. I tell you now, it was touching. I thought I wonder why I cried. I realised because there's something, an eternal message in it. You've only got so much time and then it's over. Make good use of the time you've got. It's the one thing you can never replace. You can replace everything else around you except people and time, so we have to value those things - so we need to dream.

The movie caught on because this guy had a list of all of these things and they were not quite fulfilled the way they thought. The guy dreamed of kissing the most beautiful woman in the world. He had something in his mind what that might be and it turned out he was restored in his relationship with his estranged daughter and kissed her - the most beautiful woman in the world.

So sometimes dreams don't quite work out, especially God dreams. God dreams never work out quite like you think. Oh my! And that's what happened for Joseph. Now he had this dream and so kings dream, we need to dream. What did he dream of? You know what kings dream of? Increasing a kingdom. They dream of dominion. They dream of expanding their influence, so what did he dream of? Well he dreamed - this is what he dreamed and it says he told the brothers this dream. He said now listen to the dream, please listen to my dream. This is what I've dreamed. We were binding the sheaves in the field and my sheave rose and stood upright and your sheaves stood up also. But they bowed down to my sheave. ... [Laughter] ... That was a really nice dream. He was very happy about that dream, especially if you're the youngest in the family and they don't speak nicely to you. He comes out and you can almost catch the king inside him you know? Oh, we all had sheaves but yours bowed down to mine - and they hated him, so he had another one.

The brothers said shall you reign over us and have dominion over us and they hated him for the dreams and hated him for the words, but he dreamed another dream, told it to his brother - look, I dreamed another dream. The sun, the moon and the 11 stars all bowed down to me - and he told his father and his father told him off. So dreamers don't necessarily have a very good time when you start to share the dream. God told me I'd do this! Who do you think you are? That's what goes on.

So he had a dream. He dreamed of dominion. That's what kings dream of. They dream of a future different to what is here, a future shaped by the words of God. Now your future is shaped by your own desires perhaps or it's shaped by the opinions of people, or maybe it's shaped by your past. Well I've got no education, I can't get anywhere. Who told you that lie? So there are many things - oh, well we're poor. We've always been poor. My family's always been poor, or I've had this bad background. I've been abused and I have no education. This is all junk and rubbish, but what does God say that would frame your future?

You see God, everything, the world that came into being was framed or constructed by the word of God spoken forth, but before God spoke it forth He dreamed it. So we're creative, we're like God in that sense. We've got creativity, so we need to dream, need to position yourself for dreams and begin to start to thing what is it that God has put in my heart for my future? What is it that stirs my passion? What is it I wouldn't want to die without doing it? What is it that really stirs me? A lot of people just get too busy to stop and ask the question, but you need to because you only have one life and it's going - tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, just like that - and you don't know when it runs out.