Sonship and Eternal Purpose (1 of 4)

Mike Connell

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If you have a look at the word for son in the Bible, in the Old Testament, its Ben, meaning: a builder of the father's house. If you look at the word for daughter, it's the word Banna, which comes from the word Ben, which means the builder of the father's house. So whether we're male or female, we're one through Christ, Jesus. God sees us, not as men or as woman. He sees us as sons, or called to be builders; but within our own flow, we have different functions on earth and our relationships. Does that make sense?

In eternity, theres no giving in marriage, there is just sons; but right now, of course, we have male and female. When it comes to the things of God, we have equality. When it comes to how we function, we function differently. So women can contribute certain things that Men can't; and men can contribute certain things women can't; but together they can reflect what God is like, because together they come from God.

Man can never fully, on his own, reflect what God is like; because some of the qualities of God are uniquely in women and they're more easily discovered in women. It's wonderful. God is so brilliant. That's why I like it.

God talked to Adam differently than when he talks to Eve. He says to Adam: did you eat the fruit of the tree? Straight down the line! When He talks to Eve: what have you done? A different conversation style! Women don't like the other one! The women are very like God - they ask a lot of questions!

A son is a builder. Why? Because he carries the DNA of his father; he carries the nature of his father; and he's called to act as a representative. Every person who is a son or daughter is called to act as a father's representative. Even Jesus, as a young person at the age of 12...

Luke 2:49 - "don't you know about must be about my father's business?"

At 12, he had an awareness of his identity - a child of God - of his calling to represent his father; and he positioned himself so that could happen.

Another thing is, God designed sons to fulfill specific responsibilities.

Genesis 1:27-28 - "God did create a man in his own image, and the image of God He created them, male and female. He created them. Then God blessed them, and said to them: be fruitful, multiply, fill the earth, subdue it."

Has the earth been filled yet? No, it hasn't! So why are they trying to reduce the population? Exactly, fill the earth; subdue it.

"Have Dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air and every living being that moves on the earth."

God the father gives his son responsibility. One of the things that dads do is to give their sons jobs to do; all sons get given responsibility.

He's called to be a representative of his father, and he's called to do two things: one is to be fruitful; and the other is to rule.

In other words, take what has been given to your care, and then cause it to multiply and increase and grow. So every son is called to be productive; and interesting enough, God provided an ecosystem. He provided a financial system for us to do it. He provided all the trees, all the fruit. He provided everything the the son needed to set up the business. Provided everything for him - put him in a garden, provided the place for it to be worked out. But the sons, all sons are meant to be productive.

Understand then, there's no way that in just attending a church, you're productive. You actually have to engage with people, and engage in service, and adding value to someone, or something - that's how we do it. In other words, you approach life from the point of view as a son: I'm here to invest, and to cause it to grow and increase; not to just take something from it.