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All Sermons (1,592)Mike Connell (1,073)Dave Connell (206)Shane Willard (76)Doug Li (39)Steve Roberts (26)Joy Connell (23)Brent Douglas (18)Kate Connell (16)Sajan Easow (14)Andy Mason (11)Brydon Nisbet (11)Faylene Sparkes (11)Horowai Edmonds (11)Vaughan Whitehead (11)Charlie Robinson (9)Clark Taylor (9)David Hogan (9)David McCracken (9)Norm McLeod (9)
Date Speaker Sermon Audio Video Notes
12-Oct-13 Mike Connell Freedom from Divination (11 of 12)由占卜中得自由 Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Video
3-Oct-13 Mike Connell Freedom from the Occult (2 of 3)从邪术/秘术中得自由 Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Video
14-Sep-13 Mike Connell Legal Doorways into Our Lives (6 of 9)法律门口走进我们的生活 Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Video
14-Oct-12 Mike Connell Standing in the Storms of Life (2 of 2) Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Notes
5-Jun-12 Mike Connell (09 of 18) Major Door of Entry: Generational Sin主要入口门:世代犯罪 Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Video
2-Jan-12 Mike Connell Breaking Free of Occult Activity (2 of 4)摆脱了隐匿的做法(2) Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Video
5-Dec-10 Mike Connell Twilight Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired
14-Nov-10 Mike Connell The Truth about Tattoos Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired
4-Oct-13 Mike Connell Spirit of Divination (1 of 12)由占卜的灵中得自由 Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Video
11-Sep-13 Mike Connell Legal Right of Entry (4 of 8)法律有权进入 (4 of 8) Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Video
17-Jul-12 Mike Connell Gifts of the Spirit / Hearing From God (1 of 5)礼物 的 这 精神 / 听力 从 上帝 (1) 的 5) Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Video
7-Jul-12 Mike Connell Gateways for Demonic Spirits (3 of 5) Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Video
29-Apr-12 Mike Connell Zealous for Good Works Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Notes
27-Jan-12 Mike Connell Freedom Conference (2 of 4) Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired
15-May-11 Mike Connell Witchcraft in Relationships Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Notes
8-Nov-09 Mike Connell Spiritual Slumber (2 of 3) Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Notes
17-Aug-08 Mike Connell Fantasy, an addictive drug (2 of 4) Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Notes
faith (328)holy spirit (278)jesus (370)authority (194)healing (193)grace (174)love (293)forgiveness (144)repentance (79)deliverance (184)heart (355)prayer (252)tongues (100)destiny (142)heaven (236)responsibility (152)christian (280)curses (74)demons (216)relationship (248)holy ghost (152)power (334)relationships (178)freedom (180)