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All Sermons (1,592)Mike Connell (1,073)Dave Connell (206)Shane Willard (76)Doug Li (39)Steve Roberts (26)Joy Connell (23)Brent Douglas (18)Kate Connell (16)Sajan Easow (14)Andy Mason (11)Brydon Nisbet (11)Faylene Sparkes (11)Horowai Edmonds (11)Vaughan Whitehead (11)Charlie Robinson (9)Clark Taylor (9)David Hogan (9)David McCracken (9)Norm McLeod (9)Bryan Greig (8)Vicki Simpson (8)Jeff Jansen (7)Ascend Kids Konnect (6)Kerry Robertson (6)Peter Kersten (5)Suz Hall (5)Anna Duxfield (4)Anwar Fazel (5)Ayo Oyawale (4)John Wandera (4)Kevin Loo (4)Patty Valenzeula (4)Randy Demain (4)Saras Bany (4)Tamrat Tarekegn (4)Amanda Lindsay (3)Brent Cameron (3)Christian McCudden (3)Ian Johnson (3)Maurice Quartiero (3)Sandra Kersten (3)Tim Hall (3)Brian Tamaki (2)Brother Gerald (2)Dr Ivan Herald (2)Glen Gerryn (2)Ian Wright (2)Jacinda Goodsir (2)Jacob Biswell (2)James Murray (2)Jenny Gailbraith (2)Jo-Ann McFatter (2)John Bridge (2)Kal Li (2)Kem Price (2)Myan Subrayan (2)Owen Pomana (2)Peter Tsukahira (2)Rob Hotchkin (2)Roger Sales (2)Royree Jensen (2)Terry Walker (2)Aaron Walsh (1)Aiden Whitaker (1)Alfred Ngaro (1)Ali Roberts (1)Andrew Shepherd (1)Barry Ward (1)
Date Speaker Sermon Audio Video Notes
4-Jun-23 Mike Connell The Empowering of the Holy Spirit Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Video
4-Sep-21 Mike Connell Empowered to be Free Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Video
28-Aug-21 Mike Connell Empowered by the Holy Spirit Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Video
27-Dec-20 Dave Connell Power to Change Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Video
17-Nov-19 Dave Connell A Shift of Power Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Video
8-Jan-19 Mike Connell Pathway to Power (1 of 2) Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Video
24-Oct-18 Mike Connell The Power of God (3 of 6) Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired
1-Jul-18 Jenny Gai... Power Of Commitment Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Video
28-Jan-18 Mike Connell Pathway to Power (2 of 2) Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Video
5-Nov-17 Kate Connell The Power Of Praise Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Video
26-Jun-16 Dave Connell Power Of A Yeilded Heart Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired
6-Sep-15 Peter Ker... Take Responsibility And Become Powerful Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired
9-Aug-15 Doug Li There Is Power In The Name Of Jesus Christ Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired
17-May-15 Shane Wil... Resurrection Power Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired
9-Nov-14 Dave Connell Holy Spirit Wants To Shift The Balance Of Power In Your LIfe Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired
31-Aug-14 Dave Connell Faith Activates Gods Power Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired
18-Jun-14 Mike Connell Anointing and Power (3 of 3)恩膏和电源 (3 of 3) Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Video
13-Apr-14 Dave Connell Jesus Returns in the Power of The Spirit Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired
13-Sep-13 Mike Connell Power Encounter for Deliverance (3 of 9)經歷釋放的大能 Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Video
4-Aug-13 Mike Connell Holy Spirit and Life Changing Power圣灵和改变生活的动力 Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Video
31-Mar-13 Mike Connell The Power of the Resurrection (Easter 2013) Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Video Notes
24-Mar-13 Mike Connell The Power of Gods Word Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Video Notes
30-Dec-12 Mike Connell Powerful Choices Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired
24-Apr-11 Mike Connell Power of the Resurection Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired
1-Mar-09 Clark Taylor Encountering the Presence and Power of God Conference (5 of 5) Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired
28-Feb-09 Clark Taylor Encountering the Presence and Power of God (2 of 5) Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired
28-Feb-09 Clark Taylor Enountering the Presence & Power of God (3 of 5) Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired
27-Feb-09 Clark Taylor Encountering the Presence and Power of God (1 of 5) Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired
26-May-08 Mike Connell The Power of the Resurrection Notes
22-Apr-08 Shane Wil... Demonstrating God's Power (3 of 6) Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired
13-Jan-08 Dave Connell The Power of Praise Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired
6-Jan-08 Mike Connell Creative Power of the Tongue (12 of 12) Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Notes
16-Dec-07 Mike Connell Power of the Tongue (9 of 12) Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Notes
28-Oct-07 Mike Connell Power Of Agreement (6 of 12) Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired
28-Oct-07 Mike Connell Power of Words (1 of 12) Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Notes
30-Sep-07 Dave Connell Shifting the Power Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired
16-Apr-06 Mike Connell Easter 2004 - Why the Cross and the Power of the Resurection (2 of 2) Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Notes
16-Apr-06 Mike Connell Easter 2004 - Why the Cross and the power of the Resurection (1 of 2) Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Notes
25-Feb-06 Charlie R... Kingdom power and Glory (1 of 2) Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired
25-Feb-06 Charlie R... Kingdom Power and Glory (2 of 2) Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired
26-Jun-05 Mike Connell Walking in Victory#4 Empowered to Obedience Notes
8-Jan-05 Mike Connell Lift Up Your Eyes (2 of 2) The Power of Choice Notes
25-Jan-04 Mike Connell The Power of Your Confession Notes
28-Sep-03 Mike Connell The Power of an Apology Notes
1-Jul-02 Mike Connell Equipping & Empowering Workers Notes
25-Mar-02 Mike Connell This God We Serve-God is Powerful Notes
25-Feb-02 Joy Connell The Power of Choice Notes
16-Jun-98 Mike Connell Life changing power of Christ Notes
31-Aug-20 Mike Connell Celebrating 50 years Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Video Notes
22-Jun-20 Mike Connell Overcoming the Spirit of Injustice Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Video Notes
faith (328)holy spirit (278)jesus (370)authority (194)healing (193)grace (174)love (293)forgiveness (144)repentance (79)deliverance (184)heart (355)prayer (252)tongues (100)destiny (142)heaven (236)responsibility (152)christian (280)curses (74)demons (216)relationship (248)holy ghost (152)power (334)relationships (178)freedom (180)occult (41)revelation (173)truth (188)anger (183)exorcism (61)fear (202)meditation (60)bitterness (113)compassion (90)depression (54)generosity (68)honour (182)purpose (207)rejection (101)sin (383)assignment (73)consequences (104)iniquity (43)miracles (124)renounce (46)shame (116)trauma (82)anxiety (34)grief (144)injustice (72)judgement (134)reward (63)slavery (57)works (194)blame (95)boundaries (54)charity (11)covenant (89)hell (133)marriage (165)ownership (57)pride (78)resurrection (66)spirit man (77)tzedakah (15)acknowledge (98)anointing (120)disappointment (85)discipleship (25)divination (28)encounter (139)flow (218)glory (141)