Deliverance and Healing Heart (1 of 5)

拯救和治疗心Deliverance and Healing Heart (1 of 5)

Tue 21 May 2013 (Chinese/English) New Life Church, Taiwan

Session (1 of 2): What we thin or believe in or heart affects how we live out our life (Prov.23v7). Unless we address the heart issues, change will not be lasting. Religion tries to change us from the outside, but God imparts a better person into the heart. Our battle is to believe what God says is true. The fall of man came when man was deceived, and believed two lies: 1) God is not loving at all, he is stopping you getting ahead; and 2) If you want real freedom, take your own path.

Session (2 of 2): After man fell, he experienced guilt, shame, fear - Adam & Eve sought to cover themselves and hide from God. Explore how God handled Adam & Eve - by initiating connection and asking questions - relational questions (where are you? what is happening in your life) and truth questions (did you eat the fruit of the tree?). How we respond to consequences.
Keywords: gatekeeper, watchman, heart, white-washed tomb, heart thirst, rest, yoke, boundary, consequences, deception, scolding, belief, ambition, fight of faith, guard your heart, unlovable, questions, listening, blame, fig leaves, guilt, shame, fear, hide among trees, secrecy, separation, death, lies