Wise Words (10 of 12)

Mike Connell

Summary Notes

The Creative Power of the Tongue – Part 2
23 December 07

1. Introduction:
· Proverbs 18:21 – “Death and life are in the power of the tongue…”.
· We use words to express ourselves – ideas, dreams, desires, fears, pain.
· This ability is exclusive to humans – we are spirit beings able to release spirit life.
· Last week: God used words
i) To Create/ Release Supernatural Power
ii) To Establish, Nurture and Protect relationships
· We are called to act as His ambassadors – speak and act on His behalf.
· This week: “Shaping your World by the Word of God”.

2. The Creative Power of Words of God:
a) Jeremiah:
· Jeremiah 1:9-10 - “Behold I have put my words in your mouth”.
· God has a purpose for Jeremiah’s life – to change the world around him”.
· Verse 5 - Sanctified = set apart for the purpose of God – change the nation.
· Verse 9 - God’s assignment - speak His Word our as His representative.
· Verse 9 - God positions him in a place of spiritual authority.
· By speaking what God gave him, he made way for the Spirit of God to move.

· Note the impact of the Word of God:
i) “Real out, pull down, destroy, throw down” - verse 10
- to exercise dominion over ruling spiritual forces and mentalities and cancel their power.
ii) “To build and to plant”
- to saw seeds of hope for the future, proclaim the promises of God to build and release the nation.

· Before Jeremiah could shape the world outside him he had to change his inner world!
· Verse 6-7 - “Behold, I cannot speak for I am a youth”.
· NB:
i) Stop making excuses – embrace the call/assignment of God - v7
ii) Stop speaking negatively, stop speaking limitations - v7
iii) Don’t be ruled by fear but by faith - v8
iv) Personally connect with God – relationship - v9
v) Embrace, agree with and speak His Words from the heart - v9-10
vi) Expect God to Supernaturally fulfill His way -v11,12
· All that Jeremiah spoke was fulfilled – he changed his words by the Word of God.

b) Mary:
· Luke 1:35-38 - “Let it be according to Your Word”.
· Verse 37 - “For with God nothing is impossible” (NKJV)
· Verse 37 - “For no Word of God shall be void of Power” (ASV)
· Mary heard, embraced and agreed with and spoke the Word of God – heart and mouth!
· Mary expected God to supernaturally fulfill His Word.
· Mary’s faith declaration of what God had said changed her words.

Question: What is shaping your world? The Word of God or the agreement with Demons?

3. Shaping your world by the Word of God:
· Hebrews 11:3 - “By faith we understand that the world were framed by the word of God”.
- Framed = 2675 = to thoroughly complete, put together, put in order, arrange, make what ought to be, to construct.
- Word = Rhema = 4487 = an utterance, spoken word or command. = word spoken out aloud by a living person.
· Notice 3 factors always present in creative activity of the Word of God.
1) Presence of the Holy Spirit Relationship
2) Faith – total confidence, heart.
3) Spoken Word of God – mouth.
· In all of Jesus’ miracles those factors were present.
· We must learn to operate as God operates - Ephesians 5:1

a) Shape Your Inner World:
· The first area to shape is your inner world – thoughts, attitudes, perceptions, beliefs.
· Proverbs 23:7 - “As a man thinks in his heart so he is”.
· Your inner life can be shaped by speaking/declaring the Word of God.
· 1 Corinthians 14:4 - “Speak in tongues – edified himself”.
· 1 Samuel 30:6 - David strengthened himself in the Lord.
· Declare = to state clearly you position in a controversy.

b) Shape Your Outer World:
i) Your Spiritual Atmosphere:
· You can shape/form the supernatural atmosphere around your life by the Word of God.
· Psalm 34:1-3 - David continually shaped the spiritual atmosphere around his life with thanksgiving and praise.
· Psalm 22:3 - “You are holy – enthroned on the praises of your people”.

ii) Your Relationships:
· Your relationships can be shaped by declaring the Word of God.
· Declaring God’s Word, God’s promises over marriage, children, and friendships makes room for the Holy Spirit to work to bring about the Spoken Word.
· 1 Samuel 23:14-18 - David was strengthened by Jonathan’s words. Jonathan spoke words of destiny, commitment, encouragement.
· Relationships are impacted by words!

iii) Your Metron – Realm of Responsibility:
· Metron = sphere of responsibility – 2 Corinthians 10:12-13 = people, work, money, ministry.
· Declaring God’s Word over your metron makes room for the Holy Spirit to act.
· 1 Samuel 17:47-48 - Goliath’s venomous cursing released a spirit of fear. David stood his ground and declared the real outcome based upon his trust in the Lord.

Hebrews 3:1 - Jesus – the Apostle and high priest of our profession.
· Apostle = one who is sent to build, establish.
· High Priest – the one who acts on our behalf before God.
· Profession = homologeo = to speak the same words as God.