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Sermon Audio (mp3) Size Speaker Details»
Download AudioThe Rest of Faith (3 of 4) 34.8Mb Mike Connell 30-Jun-13
Download AudioThe Rest of Faith (2 of 4) 35.4Mb Mike Connell 23-Jun-13
Download AudioThe Rest of Faith (1 of 4) 53.4Mb Mike Connell 16-Jun-13
Download AudioPentecost - Fresh Filling of the Holy Ghost 34.8Mb Mike Connell 19-May-13
Download AudioKey Ingredients of Comfort (2 of 3) 28.9Mb Mike Connell 28-Apr-13
Download AudioThe Comfort of the Scriptures (1 of 3) 34.2Mb Mike Connell 21-Apr-13
Download AudioThe Power of the Resurrection (Easter 2013) 11.6Mb Mike Connell 31-Mar-13
Download AudioThe Steps of a Good Man 40.7Mb Mike Connell 10-Mar-13
Download AudioHouse-Cleansing - Ministering to one another (6... 16.0Mb Mike Connell 16-Feb-13
Download AudioStrengthening Your Spiritual Life (5 of 6) 15.9Mb Mike Connell 15-Feb-13
Download AudioExercising Authority in your Personal Life (4 o... 22.0Mb Mike Connell 14-Feb-13
Download AudioThe Apostolic Mandate (1 of 6) 8.40Mb Mike Connell 11-Feb-13
Download AudioWho is Jesus (1 of 4) Revelations 6.57Mb Mike Connell 3-Feb-13
Download AudioEvidence of Your Discipleship (6 of 6) 11.7Mb Mike Connell 16-Dec-12
Download AudioThe Princess Syndrome (2 of 6) 17.0Mb Mike Connell 18-Nov-12
Download AudioFollow Jesus (1 of 6) 13.5Mb Mike Connell 28-Oct-12
Download AudioStanding in the Storms of Life (2 of 2) 21.9Mb Mike Connell 14-Oct-12
Download AudioStanding in the Storms of Life (1 of 2) 30.6Mb Mike Connell 14-Oct-12
Download AudioArise and Stretch 24.2Mb Mike Connell 7-Oct-12
Download AudioGenerosity (4 of 4) 7.33Mb Mike Connell 9-Sep-12
Download AudioTwo Principles that Release the Best in People 6.56Mb Mike Connell 2-Sep-12
Download AudioFathers Day 2012 - Valiant Men 3.67Mb Mike Connell 2-Sep-12
Download AudioGenerosity (3 of 4) 8.24Mb Mike Connell 26-Aug-12
Download AudioHandling Life's Difficult Experiences 4.43Mb Mike Connell 12-Aug-12
Download AudioDiscerning of Sprits / Words of Wisdom (4 of 5) 23.2Mb Mike Connell 18-Jul-12
Download AudioProphesy (2 of 5) 15.5Mb Mike Connell 17-Jul-12
Download AudioForces that Work in You (1 of 2) 33.3Mb Mike Connell 8-Jul-12
Download AudioGateways for Demonic Spirits (3 of 5) 62.8Mb Mike Connell 7-Jul-12
Download AudioApostolic Anointing and Ministry (1 of 5) 28.7Mb Mike Connell 6-Jul-12
Download AudioDiscover your Assignment 37.3Mb Mike Connell 1-Jul-12
Download AudioWithered Hand 3.17Mb Mike Connell 24-Jun-12
Download AudioSamson - Man of Faith 4.21Mb Mike Connell 24-Jun-12
Download AudioFive Loaves and Two Fish: Keys for Miracles 7.71Mb Mike Connell 10-Jun-12
Download Audio(17 of 18) Questions and Answers - Deliverance ... 问题和答案 - 驱邪部 14.1Mb Mike Connell 8-Jun-12
Download Audio(18 of 18) Maintaining Your Freedom 保持你的自由 11.8Mb Mike Connell 8-Jun-12
Download Audio(14 of 18) Foundations for Freedom 自由的基础 26.9Mb Mike Connell 7-Jun-12
Download Audio(15 of 18) Foundation for Freedom - Bondages 自由基金会 - 牢笼 26.2Mb Mike Connell 7-Jun-12
Download Audio(12 of 18) Spiritual Gateways 精神网关 24.5Mb Mike Connell 6-Jun-12
Download Audio(07 of 18) Teaching on Deliverance 如何赶鬼 29.6Mb Mike Connell 5-Jun-12
Download Audio(10 of 18) Door of Entry: Sin Habits 入口门:习惯性犯罪 29.6Mb Mike Connell 5-Jun-12
Download Audio(03 of 18) Develop your Spirit Man 制定你的内心 26.3Mb Mike Connell 4-Jun-12
Download Audio(04 of 18) How to deal with Evil Spirits 如何处理辟邪 4.20Mb Mike Connell 4-Jun-12
Download Audio(05 of 18) Building the Spirit Man through Med... 建设精神的人使用冥想 13.7Mb Mike Connell 4-Jun-12
Download Audio(02 of 18) Inner Healing 内在医治 16.4Mb Mike Connell 3-Jun-12
Download Audio(01 of 18) Inner Healing 内在医治 13.2Mb Mike Connell 2-Jun-12
Download AudioFoundations for Fruit Bearing 7.73Mb Mike Connell 6-May-12
Download AudioVision to See 4.74Mb Mike Connell 6-May-12
Download AudioZealous for Good Works 7.27Mb Mike Connell 29-Apr-12
Download AudioPursuing Greatness and Eternal Rewards 12.1Mb Mike Connell 22-Apr-12
Download AudioFilling Your Lamp 4.59Mb Mike Connell 1-Apr-12
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