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All Sermons (1,592)Mike Connell (1,073)Dave Connell (206)Shane Willard (76)Doug Li (39)Steve Roberts (26)Joy Connell (23)Brent Douglas (18)Kate Connell (16)Sajan Easow (14)Andy Mason (11)Brydon Nisbet (11)Faylene Sparkes (11)Horowai Edmonds (11)Vaughan Whitehead (11)Charlie Robinson (9)Clark Taylor (9)David Hogan (9)David McCracken (9)Norm McLeod (9)Bryan Greig (8)Vicki Simpson (8)Jeff Jansen (7)Ascend Kids Konnect (6)Kerry Robertson (6)Peter Kersten (5)Suz Hall (5)Anna Duxfield (4)Anwar Fazel (5)Ayo Oyawale (4)John Wandera (4)Kevin Loo (4)Patty Valenzeula (4)Randy Demain (4)Saras Bany (4)Tamrat Tarekegn (4)Amanda Lindsay (3)Brent Cameron (3)Christian McCudden (3)Ian Johnson (3)Maurice Quartiero (3)Sandra Kersten (3)Tim Hall (3)Brian Tamaki (2)Brother Gerald (2)Dr Ivan Herald (2)Glen Gerryn (2)Ian Wright (2)Jacinda Goodsir (2)Jacob Biswell (2)James Murray (2)Jenny Gailbraith (2)Jo-Ann McFatter (2)John Bridge (2)Kal Li (2)Kem Price (2)Myan Subrayan (2)Owen Pomana (2)Peter Tsukahira (2)Rob Hotchkin (2)Roger Sales (2)Royree Jensen (2)Terry Walker (2)Aaron Walsh (1)Aiden Whitaker (1)Alfred Ngaro (1)Ali Roberts (1)Andrew Shepherd (1)Barry Ward (1)
Date Speaker Sermon Audio Video Notes
8-Mar-09 Mike Connell Passing the Blame (1 of 3) Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Notes
5-Oct-13 Mike Connell Freedom from Bitterness (3 of 12)由苦毒中得自由 Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Video
10-Sep-13 Mike Connell Foundations for Freedom (2 of 8)自由的基础 (2 of 8) Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Video
21-May-13 Mike Connell Deliverance and Healing Heart (1 of 5)拯救和治疗心 Video
2-Dec-12 Mike Connell When God Seems Silent (5 of 6) Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Video Notes
14-Oct-12 Mike Connell Standing in the Storms of Life (1 of 2) Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Video Notes
17-Jul-11 Mike Connell The Cross and the Kingdom (4 of 7) Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Notes
6-Feb-11 Mike Connell Relationship or Rights Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Notes
22-Mar-09 Mike Connell Dealing with Failure (3 of 3) Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Notes
15-Mar-09 Mike Connell You Always Have a Choice (2 of 3) Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Notes
13-Apr-08 Mike Connell Changing Your Behaviour (6 of 6) Notes
2-Mar-08 Mike Connell Unmasking Shame (2 of 6) Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Notes
20-Dec-22 Mike Connell 3 R's of Sonship (2 of 4) Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Video
18-Dec-22 Mike Connell Sonship and Eternal Purpose (1 of 4) Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Video
18-Oct-22 Mike Connell Sons are Led by The Spirit (4 of 4) Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Video
8-Nov-20 Mike Connell Sons Break Strongholds Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Video Notes
17-Sep-20 Mike Connell The Need for Faithfulness - The Parables of the Talents and the Minas (12 of 12) Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Notes
23-Aug-20 Mike Connell Honour, Treasures and Vindication (7 of 12) Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Notes
17-Jul-20 Mike Connell Victor's Crowns (6 of 12) Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Notes
5-Jul-20 Mike Connell Garments of Glory & Beauty (5 of 12) Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Notes
21-Jun-20 Mike Connell Signs of the Coming of Jesus (1 of 3) Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Video Notes
26-Aug-19 Mike Connell Sonship & Spiritual Warfare (3 of 3) Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired
26-Aug-19 Mike Connell Sonship & The Supernatural (1 of 3) Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired
1-Dec-13 Mike Connell Bringing Heaven to Earth Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Video Notes
10-Oct-13 Mike Connell Do You Want To Be Made Whole? (8 of 12)再造全新的我 Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Video
9-Oct-13 Mike Connell Hope After Loss (7 of 12)損失之後的盼望 Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Video
5-Oct-13 Mike Connell The Bite of the Serpent (2 of 12)由蛇咬中得自由 Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Video
4-Oct-13 Mike Connell Freedom from Sexual Sin (3 of 3) 从性犯罪中得自由 Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Video
3-Oct-13 Mike Connell Freedom from Generational Iniquity & Curses (1 of 3)从世代遗传的罪恶和咒诅中得自由 Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Video
3-Oct-13 Mike Connell Freedom from the Occult (2 of 3)从邪术/秘术中得自由 Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Video
11-Sep-13 Mike Connell Legal Right of Entry (4 of 8)法律有权进入 (4 of 8) Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Video
11-Sep-13 Mike Connell The Two Kingdoms (5 of 8)两个王国 (5 of 8) Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Video
28-Jul-13 Mike Connell The Rest of Faith (4 of 4) Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Notes
28-Apr-13 Mike Connell Key Ingredients of Comfort (2 of 3) Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Video Notes
21-Apr-13 Mike Connell The Comfort of the Scriptures (1 of 3) Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Video Notes
24-Feb-13 Mike Connell Who is Jesus (4 of 4) Jesus the Righteous Judge Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Video Notes
14-Feb-13 Mike Connell Exercising Authority in your Personal Life (4 of 6) Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Video
13-Feb-13 Mike Connell How to Exercise Spiritual Authority (3 of 6) Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Video
25-Nov-12 Mike Connell Hearing the Voice of God (3 of 6) Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Notes
21-Oct-12 Mike Connell Resolving Offences Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Video Notes
14-Oct-12 Mike Connell Standing in the Storms of Life (2 of 2) Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Notes
12-Aug-12 Mike Connell Spirit of Mammon (1 of 4) Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Video Notes
12-Aug-12 Mike Connell Handling Life's Difficult Experiences Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired
19-Jul-12 Mike Connell Faith, Miracles and Healing (5 of 5)信仰、奇迹和治愈 (5/5) Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Video
15-Jul-12 Mike Connell Gods Word Works In You (2 of 2) Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Video Notes
8-Jul-12 Mike Connell Forces that Work in You (1 of 2) Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Video Notes
7-Jul-12 Mike Connell Curses and How to Deal with Them (4 of 5) Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Video
7-Jul-12 Mike Connell Gateways for Demonic Spirits (3 of 5) Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Video
28-Jan-12 Mike Connell Freedom Conference (3 of 4) Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired
28-Jan-12 Mike Connell Freedom Conference (4 of 4) Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Video
faith (328)holy spirit (278)jesus (370)authority (194)healing (193)grace (174)love (293)forgiveness (144)repentance (79)deliverance (184)heart (355)prayer (252)tongues (100)destiny (142)heaven (236)responsibility (152)christian (280)curses (74)demons (216)relationship (248)holy ghost (152)power (334)relationships (178)freedom (180)occult (41)revelation (173)truth (188)anger (183)exorcism (61)fear (202)meditation (60)bitterness (113)compassion (90)depression (54)generosity (68)honour (182)purpose (207)rejection (101)sin (383)assignment (73)consequences (104)iniquity (43)miracles (124)renounce (46)shame (116)trauma (82)anxiety (34)grief (144)injustice (72)judgement (134)reward (63)slavery (57)works (194)blame (95)boundaries (54)charity (11)covenant (89)hell (133)marriage (165)ownership (57)pride (78)resurrection (66)spirit man (77)tzedakah (15)acknowledge (98)anointing (120)disappointment (85)discipleship (25)divination (28)encounter (139)flow (218)glory (141)