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All Sermons (1,592)Mike Connell (1,073)Dave Connell (206)Shane Willard (76)Doug Li (39)Steve Roberts (26)Joy Connell (23)Brent Douglas (18)Kate Connell (16)Sajan Easow (14)Andy Mason (11)Brydon Nisbet (11)Faylene Sparkes (11)Horowai Edmonds (11)Vaughan Whitehead (11)Charlie Robinson (9)Clark Taylor (9)David Hogan (9)David McCracken (9)Norm McLeod (9)Bryan Greig (8)Vicki Simpson (8)Jeff Jansen (7)
Date Speaker Sermon Audio Video Notes
13-Oct-13 Mike Connell Healing from Abortion and Miscarriage (12 of 12)由堕胎流产中得医治 Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Video
13-Oct-13 Mike Connell Healing from Abortion/Miscarriage从流产/流产愈合 Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Video
11-Sep-13 Mike Connell Bondages of the Heart (3 of 8)心的牢笼 (3 of 8) Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Video
21-May-13 Mike Connell Deliverance and Healing Heart (1 of 5)拯救和治疗心 Video
7-Jul-12 Mike Connell Curses and How to Deal with Them (4 of 5) Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Video
2-Jun-12 Mike Connell (01 of 18) Inner Healing内在医治 Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Video
28-Jan-12 Mike Connell Freedom Conference (3 of 4) Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired
8-Nov-20 Mike Connell Sons Break Strongholds Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Video Notes
13-Oct-13 Mike Connell Healing From Abortion (1 of 4)愈合流产 (1 of 4) Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Video
13-Oct-13 Mike Connell Healing From Abortion (2 of 4)愈合流产 (2 of 4) Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Video
13-Oct-13 Mike Connell Healing From Abortion (3 of 4)愈合流产 (3 of 4) Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Video
13-Oct-13 Mike Connell Healing From Abortion (4 of 4)愈合流产 (4 of 4) Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Video
13-Oct-13 Bernard N... The Silent Scream Video
4-Oct-13 Mike Connell Freedom from Sexual Sin (3 of 3) 从性犯罪中得自由 Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Video
11-Sep-13 Mike Connell Legal Right of Entry (4 of 8)法律有权进入 (4 of 8) Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Video
27-Jan-12 Mike Connell Freedom Conference (2 of 4) Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired
22-Apr-10 Shane Wil... Leaders Meeting Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired
15-Mar-09 Mike Connell You Always Have a Choice (2 of 3) Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Notes
26-Oct-08 Mike Connell Personal Testimony - Adopted Daughters Wedding个人见证:收养女儿的婚礼 Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Video
faith (328)holy spirit (278)jesus (370)authority (194)healing (193)grace (174)love (293)forgiveness (144)repentance (79)deliverance (184)heart (355)prayer (252)tongues (100)destiny (142)heaven (236)responsibility (152)christian (280)curses (74)demons (216)relationship (248)holy ghost (152)power (334)relationships (178)freedom (180)occult (41)revelation (173)truth (188)