Evil Spirits and how they Operate (2 of 5)

Mike Connell

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So we see that we need, not just to cast the demons out, but to help the person rebuild their life with God, so now there's no doorway, no gateway. There's a resistance, and the person is now on the alert. Amen. That's fantastic isn't it aye? Alright then, why don't we just stop now, and I'm going to - the next session we're going to look on spiritual gateways, how demons enter people's lives. We're going to go into that shortly, and then we'll look finally at what demons do when they get inside people. But what I want to do, is to just give you a bit of a break, and we're going to get you to do something, so we'll just have a break and we'll have the next 10 minutes we're going to do some exercise. It's going to be fantastic. You'll all have a chance to do something. That be good? Okay then, so what will we do? Now don't get nervous. It's just going to be a lot of fun. It's always a lot of fun.

Okay, here's what we're going to do. How many are filled with the Holy Ghost, can speak in tongues? Okay, alright, great, so we have the gift of the Holy Spirit, and we can speak in tongues and build our spirit man, so in a moment we're going to get up, and begin to start to pray, and exercise the gift. When you speak in tongues, your spirit is speaking, the Holy Ghost is arising in you, giving you the language, you're building your spirit man. Let's just do that for a little bit, and just energise ourselves and come alive. I encourage you, when you're praying in tongues like that, begin to move your body, allow your whole body to yield and get excited, God is in me! God is in me!

A lot of people think God's so far away, isn't he? He's just right inside me, but you don't always believe that. Your mind often thinks that God seems like He's a long way off from me, so begin as you pray in tongues strongly, and move your body and physically shift your body, begin to think as you're praying God is in me, God is filling me! Let your mind and heart grasp, God is filling me. Amen. Let's just do that together first of all, and see what you experience as you do that strong praying, strong building up your spirit man. Are we ready? So make yourself a little bit of room where you can do that, there we go, are we ready? We're going to all pray in tongues, going to bless God. Amen, so here's the first thing we'll do. On the count of three, we're all going to give the loudest clap, and the biggest shout we can give, then we'll pray in tongues. Ready? One, two, three. [Applause, shouts of praise] Halleluiah Lord, we love You Lord! Wonderful Jesus! We love You Lord! Halleluiah! That's good, alright, now let's begin to just pray in tongues. We'll go about 30 seconds. Are we ready? One, two, three. [Prays in tongues] Thank You Lord, Holy Ghost, how we love You.

Right, how many of you felt the energy just start to come up, just speaking in tongues like that, start to lift you up? Alright, how many you consciously were thinking God is in me, how many were doing that, just starting to think God in me? How many of you sort of felt you became aware of the spirit of God filling you? How many kind of had that awareness? We don't necessarily feel a lot, but usually what happens is your mind clears and your energy rises, you just are more alive on the inside. Amen.

Okay, now I want to just demonstrate for you what I want you to do, and why I want you to do this, okay? Now what I'm wanting you to do, is I'm wanting to lead you to a point - you can just sit down, that'll be easier for you to see then. I want to lead you to a point where, you start to have confidence that if I speak, God is with me. Remember, if I cast out demons BY the spirit of God - notice it's BY the spirit of God. I need the Holy Spirit to move. If He doesn't move, nothing's going to happen, but I've got to do something, so I work, believing that as I minister, the spirit of God will work with me. Now the problem of course is, that the moment your mind starts, I wonder if God is with me? Then immediately you've got a gap between you and the Holy Ghost. See, He loves us to just love Him, and honour Him, and thank Him that He's with us, He loves us to delight in Him. It doesn't take much to grieve the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit's like a dove. He rests where there's peace. The moment there's turmoil, His presence lifts, so you know that's why it tells us in Colossians 3: let the peace of God be the ruler of your heart, because the moment you lose peace, and get in agitation or fear or anxiety, the spirit lifts, until you come and set your mind right again, then He comes back and rests again. It feels like that. Does that make sense?