Evil Spirits and how they Operate (2 of 5)

Mike Connell

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So we could think of lots of various kinds of spirits, so the Holy Ghost will guide you what the spirit is. In almost every situation He'll show you what it is, so it could be a spirit of idolatry, which is a spirit that bonds a person in, and connects them in, so they continually are drawn back to worship something, or to stay connected to something in place of God, so there are various - spirit of hatred. A spirit of hatred will eventually erupt with violent anger in a person, and so you find if you go visit the prisons, you find people in there who were involved in violent crime or in murder, and they say something like: I don't know what came over me. They don't know what came over them. I'll tell you what came over them, a spirit of hatred, and hatred's the root of murder, so a spirit of hate and murder came over the person, and what happened is, it caused rage and hate to become destructive against the other person.

So mostly you can just describe a demon, or the name of a demon describes what kind of work it does. In the case of occult spirits they do have names, and it requires revelation to get those names. God would have to tell you what it was. In almost all of these things, if we'll listen the spirit of God will help us identify what the particular spirit is, so spirits are real. They're a spirit being. They have a name and a nature. They're only one place at one time. They can enter and leave people, and notice there that demons have a personality. You notice the demon says: I will, it's got a will of its own. Notice it remembers where it came from, so it's got a memory, it can remember where it was, so demons have a personality. They have emotions. They can get fearful. They have desires and plans, so they actually have a personality, evil personality. So it says: when it goes out, it seeks to find rest; now when it says find rest, that does not mean the demon is wanting to have a lie down, it's exhausted. What it means is that the demon is wanting to find a place where it can live, and be in harmony with the environment, so a spirit of bitterness will want to enter a person who's got bitterness sins in their life. A spirit of hatred will want to enter into a person who's got hate in their life, and then dwell there and inflame it, so it becomes an out of control issue.

A spirit of anger will want to come in where a person's got unresolved sin or anger issues, or unresolved grief in their life, and inhabit that person, and stir it up so it becomes out of control. Getting the idea? So it says then: the demon's seeking rest, so where would a demon go? Well demons could inhabit a number of things. Spirits can go in and live in a building, so you could find perhaps in a house - one of the most obvious things is a temple. If you've ever been to a temple, there is a feel of oppression, because of the presence of multitudes of demonic spirits, or spiritual power, sitting over the building. I don't encourage you to go into those places, because sometimes the spirits transfer. It's just not a smart thing to do. Sometimes in a house, if there's been a trauma, like a murder - have you ever noticed the thing like maybe a multiple murder or something horrendous happened in a house, often they burn the house down? Someone gets there and burns it down. You ask yourself - why do they do that? Really simple, it just comes out of superstition and fear, there must be something bad or evil in the place. The only answer for it is to burn it.

Now people may not know what they're doing, but they're actually thinking demons need to be consigned to hell, but people don't understand. They just try and destroy it. What's really needed, is for the house to be cleansed of the demons, and to be sanctified and set apart for the Lord, and the presence of God to come back again. So demons can live inside a house or a building. If you've ever ministered to cleanse, or to do house cleaning, sometimes you'll find one room can be unusually cold. It doesn't matter what you do, you can't warm it up. I've been to some places where you go into one room and whoa, some weird or oppressive - so demons can enter a house. Demons can live inside objects, particularly things used with idolatry, carvings and things like that. Many times with carvings of idols, they lay hands and invoke the spirit into it, or dedicate it to the spirit that it represents, and that allows the demon to come in, so when the person's worshipping an idol, they're actually engaging the evil spirit that lives in the idol.