Evil Spirits and how they Operate (2 of 5)

Mike Connell

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If you have no confidence that God is in you, or God is with you, then nothing much will happen. If you are absolutely confident that God is in me, God is with me, I'm a minister of God, when I speak, something is going to happen; then you'll find things will start to happen. So how do I move from where I am, to that kind of place? Well you develop confidence, the more you are willing to step out, and learn to work with the Holy Spirit in this area. So what we will do shortly, I want to just do a little bit more of this, and then we'll have a break before we go onto gateways, I'm going to get you ministering to one another in just a moment. But before we do that, let's have a look a little further down, we'll finish in Verse 43 through to 45, and we'll look a little more on Jesus' teaching on demons.

When an unclean spirit goes out of a man - Verse 43 - what happens? Where do they go? Well, he goes through a dry place seeking rest, but finds none. Then he says: I will return to my house from which I came. And when he comes he finds it empty, swept, and all in order. Then he goes and takes with him seven other spirits more wicked than himself, and they enter and dwell there, and the last state of that man is worse than the first. Alright then, so notice now, Jesus is giving a tremendous insight in this passage to the spirit world. He's talking about what happens when someone gets delivered, what actually goes on. Now He says: when the unclean spirit goes out of a man, so He's talking about deliverance. The whole context is deliverance, so when you speak and command the spirit it goes out of the man, what happens and where does it go? It says here it goes through dry places seeking rest, so let's just talk a little bit about this.

Firstly, it's referring to the demon as a spirit being. It is a spirit being. You're a human being. You're a spirit living in a body, you're in one place at one time. A demon is a spirit being, so it can only be in one place at one time. It's either in the person, or it's gone from the person - it's a spirit being. Now just because you can't see it, doesn't mean it's not real, like for example, I can look and I can see the outline of a body, I can't see your spirit, I can't see your soul, but it doesn't mean they're not there. If they weren't there, you would be quite different. You'd be gone. There'd just be the shell see, so just because you can't see it, doesn't mean it isn't there. It is there, and it's a spirit being. Now notice it says a number of things; spirit beings have a name, just like you've got a name. You have a name - if I say Brian, so you notice Brian just turned around straight away, the moment I called him by name, and then everyone else looked. Now in deliverance, if you name the spirit and challenge it by name, it'll immediately respond, and all the other demons will wake up and get concerned. I've had that many times. I start to challenge demons, other demons start to stir up, and very soon you can actually trigger off lots of things happening in the room - then it's a big problem then. [Laughter] You've just got a lot of things to do then.

So demons have a name. Now generally the name of a demon, really it describes the work it does, for example, a spirit of lust, what does it do? It stirs up passion, lust, unlawful hunger for something inside a person. A spirit of fear torments their mind with fear, causes them to believe evil is going to come upon them, fill them with dread and sick feelings in the stomach, so that's what a spirit of fear does. A spirit of bitterness will cause a person continually to resist forgiving, and to become sour and angry, and to speak critically and negatively. You notice the spirit of bitterness, the name describes the kind of work it does. A spirit of death, what would a spirit of death do? It will come around a person, and will cause them to become feeling separate, or unable to bond and connect in relationships, and quite numbed in the emotions, so when people have had trauma or abuse, generally they have a spirit of death around them, and they're numbed in their emotions. They can connect properly. There's that spirit keeps them isolated.