Developing a Kingly Mentality (2 of 2)

Mike Connell

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The next thing is their inheritance, well how they saw the promises of God: Oh ooh! It's a land that devours its inhabitants. There's a lot of problems. Finally, how they saw God - look at this. Look at this. Read in Chapter 14, Verse 3, how they saw God, and here's where the real problem is, how you see God. It says: why has the Lord brought us to this land? We're going to be killed by the sword, and our wives and children - notice this - should become victims. Isn't that amazing? They have lived - wouldn't it be better to go back to Egypt? Where was Egypt? Egypt was the place where they were victims and they were slaves. They'd lived there, they felt like a victim, thought like a slave, and when God got them out and was trying to bring them and prepare them to move from His direct provision into the principles of the kingdom and advancing the kingdom, they resisted and said: God must hate us. He's brought us out here to kill us. We're better to leave Him and go back. Whoa - so how they responded, because of those things they believed - notice the seeds of things they believed, the way they saw themselves, the way they saw life, the way they saw the giants, the promises of God that God Himself - notice what they did.

Here's what they did, how they responded. Read it in Chapter 14: So they lifted up their voices and cried and wept. Number one, self pity, they cried and they went: oh it's not fair, life isn't fair, too tough... They just had whinge. All night they cried. The second thing you notice they did was they blamed, Verse 2: All the children of Israel complained. A complainer is a victim mindset, a complainer, a person who complains, has got a victim mindset. Why? Because he's putting the blame out there, that's why he's complaining: well you did this, you did that, and they're complaining and complaining - now what that is, it's actually putting my life is bad because of what you did, rather than actually I have power to choose what I do with my life; I can grow through the experience and become a better person. I can change my life around, and I can shift what's happening. You notice they complain.

The other thing you notice there is bitterness. There was deep bitterness in their hearts. Notice what they said, Verse 2: If only we'd died! That's a very sad person isn't it, very sad. So they had bitterness in their hearts. They had judgements. Notice they judged God: He's brought us out here to kill us. God's made life so unfair - and finally you notice they had rejection and unbelief in their hearts, Verse 4: said let's select a leader, and let's go back to where we were, or putting it another way, let's stop following the Holy Ghost. Let's leave church and just go back. We'll go back and start to party again and sing again and go into the pubs and just do what we used to do, it was a lot easier then - but where were you when you were there? You were in slavery. You never found freedom there; you found freedom in Christ, and He's wanting to bring you into great things. He wants you to grow.

So you notice there, God wanted them to change. Victim mentality cost them an inheritance. Look at this, Numbers, Chapter 14, Verse 21 through to Verse 23: Now truly as I live - this is the Lord speaking - all the earth shall be filled with the glory of the Lord. In other words, God's saying: even though Israel failed in it's purpose, I have in the future a generation I will raise up, and they will manifest the glory right through the whole of the earth! Then He says: because these men, now these ones, now He's talking about these ones - because - notice this - they saw my glory. They experienced the glory of God, had glory times, fire - it was visible, tangible. The signs I did in Egypt in the wilderness, they put Me to the test 10 times, and wouldn't believe or obey My voice. They shall not see the land. Notice the word 'because'. They had such opportunity, but did not believe. He said: they can't go in.

Hebrews 3, the last verse says: they failed to experience God's provided provision for them because of unbelief. A spirit of unbelief keeps you out of the supernatural life flow and provisions of God, and it's connected to the way you view life, and view God, and view yourself. It's connected to your heart condition. As a man thinks in his heart, that's how his life goes. Think about that. Now we read it, and mentally we separate ourselves away from these people, and think: that's not us, that's them. But this is written, it says in 1 Corinthians 10, for the church not to make the crazy mistakes and suffer the same consequences. Over the years I have seen many, many believers let go of God, because in the circumstances of life, their heart did not embrace God in His truth. Their heart stayed frozen in the bitterness and judgements and the lies of their past. This is why we have in the church, processes for healing and restoration, because it's vital to shift that junk out of your heart, so you can arise and begin to believe God. You can't build over rubbish. If you want to build a building, you clear it good and put a good foundation down, getting deliverance and healing and changing the belief system of your heart.