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Negative Experiences Impact Lives (7 of 9) 负面经验影响住 76099996 hQM6jGbpD0Y Mike Connell 16-Sep-13
Called to be a Minister of the Holy Spirit (7 o... 我们被邀请成为圣灵部长 (7 of 8) 75224940 sqKOUAtujcg Mike Connell 12-Sep-13
(07 of 18) Teaching on Deliverance 如何赶鬼 61692957 Mike Connell 5-Jun-12
(07 of 14) June 15 6月15日 64250012 Mike Connell 15-Jun-11
Blood on The Doorposts (5 of 12) 門柱旁的血 77056910 kRoImHBuj6M Mike Connell 6-Oct-13
The Church is Called to Minister (8 of 9) 教會受召去服事 76099995 9FulL5363Zw Mike Connell 16-Sep-13
Ministry of Jesus (8 of 8) 耶稣的部 (8 of 8) 75382180 n65_r8wbehs Mike Connell 12-Sep-13
(08 of 18) Ministry & Worship 6月5日 61692958 Mike Connell 5-Jun-12
(08 of 14) June 16 6月16日 65259982 Mike Connell 16-Jun-11
Come Out of Your Cave (6 of 12) 由洞穴中得自由 77062799 RAUz1t6vPj4 Mike Connell 7-Oct-13
Question & Answer - Deliverance (9 of 9) 问题和答案 - 驱邪 76099997 ko_T-175edg Mike Connell 16-Sep-13
(09 of 18) Major Door of Entry: Generational Sin 主要入口门:世代犯罪 63130766 Mike Connell 5-Jun-12
(09 of 14) June 16 6月16日 63273539 Mike Connell 16-Jun-11
Hope After Loss (7 of 12) 損失之後的盼望 77056595 BODDB-Vzk3I Mike Connell 9-Oct-13
(10 of 18) Door of Entry: Sin Habits 入口门:习惯性犯罪 63344864 Mike Connell 5-Jun-12
(10 of 14) June 16 6月16日 64744195 Mike Connell 16-Jun-11
Do You Want To Be Made Whole? (8 of 12) 再造全新的我 77063032 0_qeTvQOl5o Mike Connell 10-Oct-13
(11 of 18) Training Manual 培训手册 61694412 Mike Connell 6-Jun-12
(11 of 14) June 17 6月17日 65259981 Mike Connell 17-Jun-11
Stretch Out and Be Healed (9 of 12) 伸出手得醫治 78169874 Gtke8HoYbRU Mike Connell 11-Oct-13
(12 of 18) Spiritual Gateways 精神网关 62237834 Mike Connell 6-Jun-12
(12 of 14) June 17 6月17日 64759888 Mike Connell 17-Jun-11
Spiritual Blindness (10 of 12) 屬靈的眼盲 vz90lo7-1ek Mike Connell 12-Oct-13
(13 of 18) June-06 6月6日 62852692 Mike Connell 6-Jun-12
(13 of 14) June 17 6月17日 62238585 Mike Connell 17-Jun-11
Freedom from Divination (11 of 12) 由占卜中得自由 77591157 tg7vK_acGAs Mike Connell 12-Oct-13
(14 of 18) Foundations for Freedom 自由的基础 63769181 Mike Connell 7-Jun-12
(14 of 14) June 17 6月17日 65259980 Mike Connell 17-Jun-11
Healing from Abortion and Miscarriage (12 of 12) 由堕胎流产中得医治 77051605 Koib0ZhAfBQ Mike Connell 13-Oct-13
(15 of 18) Foundation for Freedom - Bondages 自由基金会 - 牢笼 63273147 Mike Connell 7-Jun-12
(16 of 18) Foundation for Freedom - What Jesus ... 自由基金会 - 耶稣做了什么! 64638184 Mike Connell 8-Jun-12
(17 of 18) Questions and Answers - Deliverance ... 问题和答案 - 驱邪部 61503951 Mike Connell 8-Jun-12
(18 of 18) Maintaining Your Freedom 保持你的自由 61503954 Mike Connell 8-Jun-12