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All Sermons (1,592)Mike Connell (1,073)Dave Connell (206)Shane Willard (76)Doug Li (39)Steve Roberts (26)Joy Connell (23)Brent Douglas (18)Kate Connell (16)Sajan Easow (14)Andy Mason (11)Brydon Nisbet (11)Faylene Sparkes (11)Horowai Edmonds (11)Vaughan Whitehead (11)Charlie Robinson (9)Clark Taylor (9)David Hogan (9)David McCracken (9)Norm McLeod (9)Bryan Greig (8)Vicki Simpson (8)Jeff Jansen (7)Ascend Kids Konnect (6)Kerry Robertson (6)Peter Kersten (5)Suz Hall (5)Anna Duxfield (4)Anwar Fazel (5)Ayo Oyawale (4)John Wandera (4)Kevin Loo (4)Patty Valenzeula (4)Randy Demain (4)Saras Bany (4)Tamrat Tarekegn (4)Amanda Lindsay (3)Brent Cameron (3)Christian McCudden (3)Ian Johnson (3)Maurice Quartiero (3)Sandra Kersten (3)Tim Hall (3)Brian Tamaki (2)Brother Gerald (2)Dr Ivan Herald (2)Glen Gerryn (2)Ian Wright (2)Jacinda Goodsir (2)Jacob Biswell (2)James Murray (2)Jenny Gailbraith (2)Jo-Ann McFatter (2)John Bridge (2)Kal Li (2)Kem Price (2)Myan Subrayan (2)Owen Pomana (2)Peter Tsukahira (2)Rob Hotchkin (2)Roger Sales (2)Royree Jensen (2)Terry Walker (2)Aaron Walsh (1)Aiden Whitaker (1)Alfred Ngaro (1)Ali Roberts (1)Andrew Shepherd (1)Barry Ward (1)
Date Speaker Sermon Audio Video Notes
1-Jan-12 Mike Connell Foundations for Freedom (1a of 4)自由基金会(1A4) Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Video
27-Nov-11 Mike Connell The Blood of Jesus (4 of 4) Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Video Notes
20-Nov-11 Mike Connell The Blood of Jesus (3 of 4) Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Notes
6-Nov-11 Mike Connell The Blood of Jesus (2 of 4) Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Notes
9-Oct-11 Mike Connell Training your heart to see Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Notes
2-Oct-11 Mike Connell Speaking in Tongues Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Notes
11-Sep-11 Mike Connell The Holy Spirit & the Will of God (7 of 7) Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Notes
14-Aug-11 Mike Connell Five Seconds After You Die Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired
7-Aug-11 Mike Connell Dream Thieves - Delays & Disappointments (6 of 7) Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Notes
31-Jul-11 Mike Connell Dream Killers & What to do About Them (5 of 7) Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Notes
31-Jul-11 Mike Connell Lessons to Learn in a Prison Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired
10-Jul-11 Mike Connell Desires & the Will of God (3 of 7) Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Notes
12-Jun-11 Shane Wil... Finance (1 of 2) Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired
12-Jun-11 Shane Wil... Finance (2 of 2) Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired
5-Jun-11 Mike Connell Destiny Hurdles (2 of 7) Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Notes
22-May-11 Mike Connell Desire, Dreams & Destiny (1 of 7) Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Notes
15-May-11 Mike Connell Witchcraft in Relationships Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Notes
17-Apr-11 Shane Wil... Fish and Storms Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired
17-Apr-11 Shane Wil... Light, Life & Increase Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired
10-Apr-11 Mike Connell Eternal Judgment (7 of 7) Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Notes
3-Apr-11 Mike Connell Resurrection of the Dead (6 of 7) Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Notes
20-Mar-11 Mike Connell Baptism in the Holy Spirit (4 of 7) Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Notes
6-Mar-11 Mike Connell Baptised into Christ, Baptism in Water (3 of 7) Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Notes
20-Feb-11 Mike Connell Faith towards God (2 of 7) Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Notes
13-Feb-11 Mike Connell Repentance from Dead Works (1 of 7) Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Notes
6-Feb-11 Mike Connell Relationship or Rights Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Notes
16-Jan-11 Mike Connell The Orphan Spirit Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Notes
12-Dec-10 Mike Connell Developing a Kingly Mentality (2 of 2) Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Notes
5-Dec-10 Mike Connell Twilight Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired
14-Nov-10 Mike Connell The Truth about Tattoos Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired
15-Aug-10 Mike Connell Burnt Stones (3 of 4) Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Notes
19-Jul-10 Mike Connell Loving Leadership (5 of 5) Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Notes
18-Jul-10 Mike Connell Burnt Stones (1 of 4) Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Notes
18-Jul-10 Mike Connell Because of the Angels (4 of 5) Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Notes
17-Jul-10 Mike Connell Guard that Garden (3 of 5) Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Notes
16-Jul-10 Mike Connell Headship and Responsibility (2 of 5) Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Notes
15-Jul-10 Mike Connell Headship is Male (1 of 5) Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Notes
30-May-10 Mike Connell Fighting the Good Fight (4 of 4) Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Notes
25-Apr-10 Shane Wil... The Cross and the Resurrection Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired
25-Apr-10 Shane Wil... What do Kingdom people look like? Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired
23-Apr-10 Shane Wil... Shane Willard 2010 (4 of 4) Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired
23-Apr-10 Shane Wil... Shane Willard 2010 (3 of 4) Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired
22-Apr-10 Shane Wil... Hebraic Definition of Kingdom (2 of 4) Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired
22-Apr-10 Shane Wil... Leaders Meeting Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired
22-Apr-10 Shane Wil... Pashat, Drash, Remez and Sod (1 of 4) Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired
15-Nov-09 Mike Connell Recognising and Withstanding Jezebel's attack (3 of 3) Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Notes
8-Nov-09 Mike Connell Spiritual Slumber (2 of 3) Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Notes
25-Oct-09 Mike Connell Slumber of Jezebel (1 of 3) Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Notes
30-Aug-09 Mike Connell Love your Neighbour (6 of 6) Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Notes
19-Jul-09 Mike Connell God’s Extravagant Love (2 of 6) Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Transcript for the Deaf/Hearing impaired Notes
faith (328)holy spirit (278)jesus (370)authority (194)healing (193)grace (174)love (293)forgiveness (144)repentance (79)deliverance (184)heart (355)prayer (252)tongues (100)destiny (142)heaven (236)responsibility (152)christian (280)curses (74)demons (216)relationship (248)holy ghost (152)power (334)relationships (178)freedom (180)occult (41)revelation (173)truth (188)anger (183)exorcism (61)fear (202)meditation (60)bitterness (113)compassion (90)depression (54)generosity (68)honour (182)purpose (207)rejection (101)sin (383)assignment (73)consequences (104)iniquity (43)miracles (124)renounce (46)shame (116)trauma (82)anxiety (34)grief (144)injustice (72)judgement (134)reward (63)slavery (57)works (194)blame (95)boundaries (54)charity (11)covenant (89)hell (133)marriage (165)ownership (57)pride (78)resurrection (66)spirit man (77)tzedakah (15)acknowledge (98)anointing (120)disappointment (85)discipleship (25)divination (28)encounter (139)flow (218)glory (141)