Curses and How to Deal with Them (4 of 5)

Mike Connell

In Matthew 7, Verses 1 and 2, it says do not judge, lest you will be judged. The judgement you judge, that's how it'll come back to you. The measure you give it out, it'll be measured back. So when you judge someone, you set in cycle, or you set in place, a cycle of sowing and reaping. Remember what it says: if you judge, it comes back to you, the same way. In other words, the very thing you judged, now you find you're experiencing the very same thing, it's the law of sowing and reaping. So when a person makes a bitter judgement it's like they expect that this is what's going to happen. It's like a negative faith. It will attract into your life the very thing that you actually have judged, so for example, you can never trust men, men will always let you down. So you notice most bitter judgements have the word 'never' or 'always' in it, never or always. When you hear the word always - well you 'alway's do that - that then tells you there's a judgement there. Well you 'never' do that - that tells you there's a judgement there, because you're not dealing any more with a single issue, you're dealing with a judgement.

If someone says you never do that, that's a judgement. If someone says you always do that, that's a judgement. How could it be true I never do that? How could it be true I always do that? It's just not true - so you know, you can never trust men, they will always let you down. You can see the two words of judgement in there, never and always. Now do you know what a person who comes to that - now usually a person who comes to that judgement, has had a bad experience, or some bad experiences, with a person, a man - so a woman would make a statement like that. She may have had some bad deals with her father, or with some person she's in a relationship with, and she gets very hurt, and out of all her hurt and resentment, she comes to the place, well never trust men, they'll always let you down. Now what happens is now is, now there's a judgement in the heart, and the Bible says if there's a judgement in the heart, you can't see clearly any more. You can't see the good, you can only see that, so for a person who makes a judgement, for a person who for example, who's got a spirit of rejection over their life, and they believe something like this: I'll never be good enough, nothing I ever do is good enough. Now you know what'll happen? No matter what they do, every time they look at it, they themselves will see the fault. They can't see the good, they just see the fault. Why? Because their heart resonates, it's not good enough.

It already is decided what the outcome is, it's not going to be good enough. A person who's, I'll never be accepted, or no one could ever love me, you know what'll happen? They'll enter relationship expecting to be rejected, and then whatever happens, they'll interpret it immediately through the judgement. I'll give you another example, it's quite an easy one to pick, and this is it. Suppose we have a person who's got a deep rejection in their heart, they have a spirit of rejection, but they've also got a bitter judgement in the heart. The bitter judgement is, no one accepts me or wants me. Then suppose two men are standing there talking, and I happen to walk in, I'm very busy, preoccupied, I walk by, go past them both. I'm on my way, and both of them say: morning Pastor, how are you this morning? And I just didn't hear, I just got preoccupied as I sometimes do and away I go and didn't hear. I didn't say anything to either of them, I just missed it, because I was focussing on something else. Alright then, now one of them will look and say: oh he's obviously preoccupied and busy, I'll catch him later. The other one will look at it and say: he doesn't like me.

Now one of them is seeing out of a pure heart that just sees, oh, he must be busy, he didn't hear what I said. Just there's no judgement whatsoever, it's just an observation - oh, he's missed me, I'll catch him later. The other one has re-read it through the eyes of a judgement, and has interpreted it completely different. You would be amazed how many conflicts in relationships come about because we judge, rather than observe. When you judge, you cannot see clearly. When I judge, I'm ascribing some motivation to you, which I have really no way of telling whether it's there. It's my judgement I'm putting on you, and I'll be tormented, so the two men saw the same event; one read it one way, one read it the other way, but it was the same event. How could it be both? It can't be. It was just something happened. It's how they judged it, is what made the pain and the torment for one, and the freedom for another. One said: it doesn't mean anything; the other said: it means this, it means he doesn't like me.